Monday, March 3, 2008

Another day, another experience.

Today has been crazy. Photography, video production, learning how to make bruschetta in Italian class, managing to park in at least two off-limit spots and not get a ticket. Haha, anyway, new Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin and Cloud Cult cds are

The first, by SSLYBY, is just ridiculous. Start to finish, it is polished, substantial and warm. The catchy riffs and lyrics remind me that there are still records that you can listen through without stopping. Fantastic. The song attached, Glue Girls, is off their upcoming second cd Pershing and is as energetic and pop-y as they come, but makes me want to dance. (Track courtesy of Captain's Dead)

Grab the track here.

The second, by Cloud Cult is a dreamy soundscape of words and noise. Theirs are the kind of tracks you could lose yourself in. Check them out.

Off to the library to finish up the editing on our second video project.

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