Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fo Sho.

Big things have been happening here in Knoxville. We just finished yet another Journalism conference for TNJN, and I must say it went well. I took the pictures for the conference again, and Steve Klein, George Mason's E-Journalism Coordinator said my style of photography reminded him of a White House press photographer. Interesting. It's no secret I love to get up right in people's faces with my camera, which I did throughout the conference. A lot. It paid off though, as Kelly Hunt, the JEM website editor wanted my photos for the site (Thanks Kelly!), and one was published in The Daily Beacon, our on-campus old school newspaper.

On another note, we just finished Eyes On LaFollette, a weekend long journalism project. For all intensive purposes, our teacher dropped us into small town LaFollette, TN with our cameras and audio recorders with the sole mission of creating a story from scratch. I stumbled upon Matt Mitchell, one of the coolest 19 year old dairy farmers I've ever met. Here's the catch. Not only is he the only dairy farmer I've ever met, he owns his own massive farm, complete with eighteen 2000-pound show cows. Landed a full page in the paper and a front page photo.

Pictures coming soon, or you could just facebook me.

Also, new Dizzee Rascal track (zshare), courtesy of one of my favorite music blogs Panda Toes. Love those guys.

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